Visiting Angels History, Your Future
In 1989, Jeffrey Johnson was working as the Director of Social Work at a nursing home in Baltimore, MD. Jeffrey became disenchanted with the community resources and the "indifferent" attitude that some had toward the residents of the nursing home (and the fact that there were very limited options for living arrangements outside of the facility).
Jeffrey wanted more choices for families and more options for the elderly. He wanted to give our elderly population what they cherished most - the ability to remain in their homes. Jeffrey began the mission of providing seniors with a caring and compassionate environment in the comfort of their own homes.
Over the following years, Jeffrey built a very successful business providing for the needs of seniors by offering top quality, experienced caregivers (and giving families a choice in caregivers). Over those years, Jeffrey found that his agency became the alternative to nursing homes and assisted living facilities - while putting the care back into care giving.
In 1998, Jeffrey met Larry Meigs, a Franchise Developer from Philadelphia, PA, who was working to launch Visiting Angels as a national Franchisor in private duty home care. Together, they opened Visiting Angels/Living Assistance Services with the intention of promoting a unique approach to home care: "Caring first, profits second."
The company was born.